Week of Events

Pearls of Wisdom: ...Help stamp out, eliminate and abolish redundancy!...

Saturday Night Movies

Saturday, February 22: “The Six Triple Eight” (PG-13, 2024) Eight hundred and fifty-five join the war effort to address a three-year mail backlog. Despite discrimination and war-torn conditions, they sort

LISTEN UP — at the Listening Post

Residents’ Council Listening Post schedule has changed:         (Listening Post will no longer be held on Tuesdays.)New Listening Post Schedule:   • Independent Living: Each Wednesday from 1:00 to


Here are some of the past images of OH Flora and Fauna, published in the bottom right corner of the home page. Click on any to make them larger. /db

Oak Hammock Community Bulletin Board

Welcome to the Oak Hammock Community Bulletin Board!  The bulletin board is a space for residents to sell, swap, donate or find “stuff,” ask questions, and to compare notes about

------ Tech News Treats & Treasures -------

Restart your phone and tablets weekly ?

The NSA is Warning You to Restart your Phone Every Week In an article by Brad Morton,  published in “How-to Geek”,  the following points are made to support that suggestion:

Technology Lessons

Residents that have access to a computer and can use the Internet may take advantage of services that offer technology lessons and instructional videos on many topics of interest to

Searchable Directories

The Infoh crew has added the  capability for logged in residents to search the Resident and Staff directories.  Those directories are located under the “People” menu on the home page. 

Corliss Gibbons — 4126
Ken & Valerie D’Ortono — 1218
Dan & Kathleen Hayman — 2221
John & Ruth Hicks — 4219
Marilyn Holm –2213
Mary & Bob Levenson — 3108

Anniversaries: Congratulations !

Charles Nicholson and Penny Nicholson – 60th
Wayne Forehand and Sheila Forehand – 61st
Linda Hansen and Rolf Hansen – 66th
Glen Kaufman and Chris Kaufman – 50th
Bonnie Umphreys and Ray Umphreys – 48th


This Week’s Birthdays:

Christine Waters – February 24th



Hugh Wise — January 27
Stella Makara — January 19
Alison Dark — January 16
Mollie Ziegler — January 4

Oak Hammock Flora and Fauna

Sunset without fountain /db


If you like the images of the plants and pets, please give this section a thumbs up ?

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