The RC Food and Nutrition Services Committee is inviting YOU to participate with fellow residents to provide USEFUL, USABLE feedback to our Dining Services leadership team.

We are conducting brief (2-3 minute) surveys asking for your opinions about the quality of our menu items and other related topics.  You may use your smart phone, tablet or computer to respond to the surveys.  It’s as simple as checking the response of your choice — no lengthy responses are required!

To join in, to help make a difference, you will need to give permission to email the surveys to you.

If you haven’t already, please provide your name and email address on a note and leave it in cubby 3224  Your surveys will arrive from “OH Survey.”  Currently, a survey will arrive in the early morning each day between Monday and Saturday.   If you don’t see them in your inbox, please check your spam/junk/other folders.

In order to achieve useful results, we need a large number of residents to participate.  We’re hoping for YOUR constructive assistance in this important means of expressing YOUR views about our Dining Services.

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