A Retrospective at Closing Time

In the early spring of 2014, many residents expressed interest in a website that would provide lots of information about goings-on at Oak Hammock.  Praxeis, our management company at the time, had made promises that never came to fruition. After considerable deliberation among some key residents, Michael Levy, Tom George and Bill Castine gathered in Michael’s living room and engaged a low-cost hosting company, registered the name ( using personal funds and began serious work. (Infoh was an acronym for Interactive Newsletter for Oak Hammockers.)  In June 2014, a prototype was launched and our community enthusiastically began suggesting new features for the team to add. Within a few months, the site contained a treasure trove of information including dining menus, the monthly calendar, information about activities, The Oak Leaf articles, videos of all sorts of ILR presentations, and minutes of Residents’ Council meetings. A UF Computer Science major volunteered to develop custom features that enabled the displays of birthdays and anniversaries as part of his honors thesis.

Once the site was running smoothly, Recycled Riches stepped in to reimburse the initial developers for their out-of-pocket start-up expenses and a fund drive produced a $2,000 kitty that covered the ongoing expenses for most of the next 10 years

From the initial group of key players, over the years the team grew to more than 15 residents who volunteered to contribute their time and talent to the effort.

The Oak Hammock Mac Users Group offered the first demonstrations of Infoh by inviting all residents to one of its monthly meetings. The site was well-received and has been relied upon by numerous residents. 

As infoh bows out of the picture to give way to Icon, we bid a fond farewell to our faithful supporters. It has been a wonderful 10+ years!


As discussed to the right in the “Dining and Calendar Information” post, the Oak Hammock calendar is now current and updated within Icon, our new “Community Engagement” software platform.  

To see the current calendar

on the “Kiosk View” of Icon,  please 
utilize this link  

Pearls of Wisdom: ...The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room....

LISTEN UP — at the Listening Post

Residents’ Council Listening Post schedule has changed:         (Listening Post will no longer be held on Tuesdays.)New Listening Post Schedule:   • Independent Living: Each Wednesday from 1:00 to


Here are some of the past images of OH Flora and Fauna, published in the bottom right corner of the home page. Click on any to make them larger. /db

Oak Hammock Community Bulletin Board

Welcome to the Oak Hammock Community Bulletin Board!  The bulletin board is a space for residents to sell, swap, donate or find “stuff,” ask questions, and to compare notes about

------ Tech News Treats & Treasures -------

Restart your phone and tablets weekly ?

The NSA is Warning You to Restart your Phone Every Week In an article by Brad Morton,  published in “How-to Geek”,  the following points are made to support that suggestion:

Technology Lessons

Residents that have access to a computer and can use the Internet may take advantage of services that offer technology lessons and instructional videos on many topics of interest to

Searchable Directories

The Infoh crew has added the  capability for logged in residents to search the Resident and Staff directories.  Those directories are located under the “People” menu on the home page. 

Dave & Marion Wilson — 3219
Corliss Gibbons — 4126
Ken & Valerie D’Ortono — 1218
Dan & Kathleen Hayman — 2221

Anniversaries: Congratulations !

Hank Wake and Mary Wake – 65th
David Brumbaugh and Marie – 52nd


This Week’s Birthdays:

Ron Hoopes – April 4th
Margaret (Margi) Sidman – April 2nd
Edna Hindson – April 1st
Doug Merrey – April 3rd
John Paul – April 3rd
Vicki Mulhearn – April 3rd
Walter Wynn – March 30th
Adele Graham – April 4th
Richard Suttor – March 29th
Jim Sullivan – April 3rd



Carol Christiansen — March 19
Lynn Nelson — March 2

Oak Hammock Flora and Fauna

Sunset without fountain /db


If you like the images of the plants and pets, please give this section a thumbs up ?

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