Latest reading: April 26, 2024, 1:31 am
Temperature: 64.0 °F
Humidity: 89 %
Heat Index: N/A   °F
Dew Point: 60.6 °F
Wind: S-SE at 0.0 mph
Latest wind gust speed: 0.0 mph
Rainfall Since Midnight: 0.00 in
Barometric Pressure: 30.18 inches Hg, stable
Current rainfall rate: 0.00 in/h

Highs and Lows for the Day

Temperature: High 65.8 °F, Low 63.9 °F
Humidity: High 89 %,  Low 84 %

Historical Weather Data

Rainfall Totals:  This Month 2.61 in, This Year 10.99 in

Temperature Maximum and Minimum for each day of the Current Month:

Humidity Maximum and Minimum for each day of the Current Month:

Rainfall for each Day of the Current Month:

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