Latest reading: October 4, 2024, 3:03 pmTemperature: 92.5 °FHumidity: 58 %Heat Index: 104 °FDew Point: 75.6 °FWind: S at 3.0 mphLatest wind gust speed: 7.0 mphRainfall Since Midnight: 0.00 inBarometric Pressure: 30.09 inches Hg, stableCurrent rainfall rate: 0.00 in/h
Temperature: High 92.8 °F, Low 73.4 °FHumidity: High 97 %, Low 55 %
Rainfall Totals: This Month 0.11 in, This Year 36.71 in
Temperature Maximum and Minimum for each day of the Current Month:
Humidity Maximum and Minimum for each day of the Current Month:
Rainfall for each Day of the Current Month: