About the INFOH Crew

The INFOH is a website (infoh.us) in the form of an interactive news source which is owned, managed and written for and by resident members of Oak Hammock at the University of Florida.

The goal of INFOH is to provide a secure, user-friendly web site to deliver factual information to residents in a timely manner and to serve as a repository for information tailored to the needs and interests of residents and/or their families.

INFOH was launched in June, 2014 with startup funds provided by Recycled Riches, and is currently supported by contributions from residents.

The members of the INFOH Team are: Bill Castine, Forrest Crawford, Nancy Dickson, Sybil Farwell, Barb Francis, Doris Greene, Michael Levy, David Brumbaugh, Bonnie Umphreys, Nancy and Jim Wood.

As with other OH Interest Groups, team membership is available to all interested residents. Computer skills are not required.

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