Facilitator: Michael Plaut
Director: Gary Langford
The Oak Hammock Chamber Players are a group of instrumental musicians who enjoy playing mu-
sic with others. We welcome people who play or who have once played orchestral instruments.
There are no auditions, and some of our members had not played in over 50 years before joining the
group. If you do not have an instrument, we can recommend local places where you might rent an
instrument. You will also need to have your own music stand.
Most of our selections are from the classical repertoire but we also play traditional pieces, show
tunes and seasonal music. Not only do we learn about our music, but also about musical technique
and both the discipline and fun of making music as a group.
We are very fortunate in having retired UF music professor, band director and jazz music expert
Gary Langford as our music director. The Oak Hammock Chamber Players are members of the New
Horizons International Music Association, which is a support network for adult musicians.
For more information, go to: www.newhorizonsmusic.org.
If you register for this course, please contact Mike Plaut at 352-371-1301 or smplaut@gmail.com to
discuss your musical experience.