We live better, more comfortable and fuller lives than kings did a hun-
dred years ago. Modern technology, science and medicine has made it
possible. The purpose of this course is to lift the fog of magic and ex-
plain how it all works.
Presenter: Joe Berkow, M.D.
Retired Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
January 6 - Magic Inside the House – Things that make our lives comfortable: Lighting, central
heating, air conditioning, running water, kitchen appliances. The refrigerator, stove, oven. How they
January 13 - Magic Outside the House -Things that make our lives comfort-able: Roads, street
lighting, traffic lights, storm drains, electricity. How they work.
January 20 - Electronics – Stuff we use: Telephone, telegraph, fax, radio, television, computers,
GPS, WiFi. How does it all work?
January 27 - Transportation – The convenience of getting from here to there: Boats, trains, planes
autos. How do they work?
February 3 - Food – We want to eat everyday. What is good food and how do we get it? Processed,
hyper-processed food. What is good for us, and what is in the food we eat.
February 10 -Medicine – The story of modern medicine and the miracles that help us be the longest
lived humans in history.