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Lost shaker of salt,   or ….

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Janice Hunziker
Janice Hunziker
2 months ago

Sleeper sofa – neutral color

Janice Malkoff
Janice Malkoff
5 months ago

Looking for a dog sitter. If you anyone in the Gainesville area that would want to stay in our apartment and look after our dog, Brandi, a three year old, smaller standard poodle, please have them contact me and leave a message.

Janice Malkoff 954 993 9449

David Brumbaugh
sonda dawes
sonda dawes
6 months ago

Does anyone have a men’s bike to give away

3 months ago
Reply to  sonda dawes

There are many,many bicycles in each garage bike racks that have no ID. They should be given to anyone or Goodwill, etc at some point. Area needs policing to store only ID’ed bikes.

Claire Germain
Claire Germain
8 months ago

I would like to exchange conversation in French and Spanish with a native (or quasi-native) Spanish speaker. I am a French native speaker. It could be 30 minutes in French and 30 minutes in Spanish. Please let me know if you are interested or if you know of someone who might be interested. Merci/Gracias.

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