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Karen Merrey
Karen Merrey
11 months ago

I have 4 HP ink cartridges. One is a 910 XL Black cartridge which is almost full. There are 3 new, color cartridges, also 910 and never used, I have just purchased a new printer which does not use these 910 cartridges and would like to give then to someone who could use them.

Tim Noe
Tim Noe
1 year ago

Hi Nancy, I’d like to go to Ward’s market in the near future.

Betty Kramer
Betty Kramer
1 year ago

Those of us now without cars often need to go briefly to the battery store to replace a battery in our watches or need to go briefly to Kohls to return an Amazon order. If you are making either of those trips, it would be nice if you would post an offer to share your trip with a “carless” resident.

Sonda Dawes
Sonda Dawes
1 year ago

Oak Hammock drivers Myra and also Anthony would like to hear from residents who might have bicycles to give away or sell

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